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Our Values

Randolph is situated upon the ancestral lands of the Abenaki and other Algonquin people. We offer gratitude for the land, for those who have stewarded it for generations, and for the opportunity to live, work, play, and be in community on this land.

Town of Randolph, VT
Declaration of Inclusion

The Town of Randolph condemns racism and discrimination in all forms, and welcomes and celebrates all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or socioeconomic class.

The Town is committed to ensuring equity and justice, and its staff, boards, committees, and commissions, are expected at all times to reflect that commitment.

The Town wants to increase civic participation among diverse populations, and to see that those diverse voices and perspectives feel welcome, included, and safe.

Along with local, regional, and statewide partners and allies, the Town is ready and willing to assist in efforts aimed at making a difference.

The Town of Randolph has and will continue to be a place where individuals can live freely and express their opinions, free from fear, intolerance, and prejudice.

Adopted By the Town of Randolph Selectboard on June 10, 2021.