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Blog: What's growing on in Randolph?

Posted May 09, 2024 by Jessamyn West


spring gardening

We've finally gotten past the "Ugh everything looks terrible" dirty snowbank part of April and we're solidly into the "Oh yeah I remember how green everything can get!" parts of May. Some people are participating in No Mow May. The town just "celebrated" Green Up Day where people picked up trash from the roadsides and woods and streams and left it in green bags where it got picked up by the town's road crew making everything look that much tidier. Thank you everyone!

a bee with its head in a rhododendron flower

I asked folks about their garden plans but I think I was too late, they are already out gardening. I did hear from a few people...

Arlene says "I just bought house in Braintree on Thayer Brook Road I  also have a garden and little house  in Florida for winter months and have ideas of doing a pollinator garden on my new land. I have been a volunteer for various garden projects in the town of Micanopy and most recently a community victory garden. I look forward to meeting fellow gardeners with perhaps a seed or plant exchange held in a public place outside. We have a little gazebo here and that once a month with fun results. I am originally from NY but am a retired art teacher."

Tamara reported the first trout lilies at Hubbard at the very end of April and sent a picture.

yellow trout lilies growing up through leaf litter

If you want to go to some great outdoor destinations, here are a few local ones that are nice this time of year.

Rosalind Park - just up Elm street off of Central Street (behind the big Welcome to Randolph mural), recently written up in VT Digger, this small garden is bursting with blooms this time of year. Go any time.

a field of violets

Hamesbest Gardens - off of Water Street in Randolph Center. This backyard lilac garden used to be a nursery run by Philip Hodgdon who was very active in the International Lilac Foundation. There were 125 different kinds of lilacs in its heyday but you can still see many different varieties along with the odd nursery tag or two. Usually gets going towards the end of May. Read more about this place in the Spring 1994 issue of Vermont Life Magazine.

lilacs with the sun shining through them

Vermont State University, Randolph (formerly VTC, 124 Admin Drive in Randolph Center) - Take a walk around the admin building and Judd Gym where there are a lovely variety of  flowers and ornamental grasses. The Apple Orchard towards the south edge of the campus will be in full bloom a bit later in the year.

boxed plants at Vermont Technical college

If you like to garden but don't have a patch of your own, you can come to Chandler Center for the Arts (71 N Main) on Saturday morning May 18th to help with the annual spring "refresh" of the Chandler flowerbeds. Bring gardening tools. Rain or shine! Contact Sharon Rives for more information at [email protected]

The Randolph Area Garden Club is always welcoming new members!

Got questions about gardening and aren't sure who to ask, the University of Vermont Extension Master Gardener Helpline is available from 9 a.m. to noon, Thursdays through October 31. The number to call is 802-656-5421 and they also have a web site with links to resources and a place to submit questions.


People aren't the only ones who are out and about more this time of year. Make sure you're watching out for ticks with this advice from the Vermont Department of Health and watching out for bears with this advice from the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department.

Happy Springtime!

Making Randolph a better place to live, work, and play. 

a field of blue forget me nots